2016-01-03 - Towpath with Mary


~5.4 miles @ ~14.2 min/mi

"Quantum mechanics: we're running but only when you're not observing us!" Mary Ewell and I tell Bob Yarchoan and his wife, who pass us during our warmup and cooldown walks. Mary's schedule has her running four miles, so for variety we head upstream from Lock 8 on the C&O Canal towpath. A bald eagle (or excellent eagle-impersonating vulture) soars over our heads. We catch up on family news, commiserate about bad pre-run dietary habits, and compare sins of overindulgence from the recent holidays. Bob offers a mini-lecture on how to optimize Boston Marathon qualifying. And he compliments me, "You've got a fast look-alike with the same name!" In my dreams, maybe ...

(trackfile) - ^z - 2016-01-21